Between 2009 and 2015, I walked the alleys of Hudson with my dog and my Mamiya 7ii. There are eight alleys Hudson: Deer, Cherry, Prison, Long, Rope, Lake,  and Strawberry. There is a tiny alley named Joe that I've yet to photograph. A…

Between 2009 and 2015, I walked the alleys of Hudson with my dog and my Mamiya 7ii. 

There are eight alleys Hudson: Deer, Cherry, Prison, Long, Rope, Lake,  and Strawberry. There is a tiny alley named Joe that I've yet to photograph. And there is one street which ended up an alley because it never became the street they wanted it to become: Partition. 

Sitting behind a fence on the north side of town are two decommissioned busses dressed up as trolleys.On the front and the back, an old chamber of commerce slogan welcomes us all to "Hudson. The Friendly City." This is the only place I have ever seen Hudson referred to this way. 

-Peter Spear. Hudson, New York